2 Jyoti +919316020077

Incall & Outcall: ₹15,000

2 Diya +919615109000

Incall & Outcall: ₹18,000

2 Jenny +919811777058

Incall & Outcall: ₹10,000

2 Kiyara +919613993000

Incall & Outcall: ₹18,000

2 Munara +919615109000

Incall & Outcall: ₹20,000

2 Sara +919577488000

Incall & Outcall: ₹10,000

2 Khawahish +919613993000

Incall & Outcall: ₹20,000

2 Jaya +919811777058

Incall & Outcall: ₹20,000

2 Deepa +919613993000

Incall & Outcall: ₹12,000

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